Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Les Fruits De La Mer!

This morning when you woke up and immediately refreshed, you may have noticed something new.


Octo is an octopus!
Squido is a squid!
Sluggo is a sea snail!

Which is your favourite? Did you know that Squido has 2 more tentacles than Octo, so a bit of an edge there. But Octo works works in a stop sign factory, which is pretty random/awesome. And Sluggo is named Sluggo! It's so hard to choose!

Sea Wedges aren't in the online shop yet, but will be varrrrry soon. However, they are for sale at our summer shows and events starting! Speaking of summer events, watch for more SUPER EXCITING news soon about upcoming events. Seriously, SUPER EXCITING.)

ps. Did you know Brent Spiner is going to be at FanExpo Toronto this year?

pps. Brent freaking Spiner!

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